Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Out and About!

Hello and Happy Tuesday!

So this past week I was soaking in all the time I got to spend with Ben. It often seems that we have conflicting work schedules with little time to be together and enjoy life.  Now, I am not sure how you feel about your spouse, but Ben and I are best friends and we really do enjoy hanging out together. Ah...it was really nice getting a whole week!! Now, back to reality :(

Today, I wanted to share some great moments from the weekend. Although the Lunar New Year is past, the celebration did not stop!
 Our local Chinatown Center hosted a huge celebration with lots of dragon dancers, fireworks, and blessings for the local stores.
Dragons are believed to bring good luck. In Chinese culture, it is said that the dragons represent power, dignity, and wisdom. There is a great deal of respect for dragons as you can see here.

It's is believed by many shopkeepers that the dragon dance contributes to the prosperity of their store. As you can see, the dragon dances were held in front of the stores here in Chinatown. 

Bombing of the Dragon also occurs during the dragon dances. It is believed that throwing firecrackers at the dragons will bring even more luck and prosperity for the upcoming year. The more firecrackers that are thrown, the more blessings! All of the red debris on the ground is from the popped firecracker.

Now, of course we contributed to the little Texas bakery too. We tried these cute and tasty little strawberry and chocolate bread treats!

I thought it was pretty cool that the strawberry pastry had the heart shape in the bread. Can you see it?


They are standing on top of each other!

Check out all of these firecrackers!
Here is a video of one dragon dance I really enjoyed!

After the Lunar New Year celebration festivities, Ben and I got to relax for a bit and catch up with each other at our favorite place Chuy's!
(Had a girl's night again today...gotta love these purple margaritas!)
Gotta love margaritas with some chips and queso!

After a couple of lovely drinks, we got to head to a Texas STARS hockey game! They are always lots of fun and this time we got to sit right down by the glass! Gotta love it!
Texas STARS!
Thanks for catching up with me and my weekend adventures! 

Until Next Time...

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